Do you have a new puppy at home that doesn’t like you much? We know the frustration of a fur parent whose puppy doesn’t follow or agree with them that much. Not to worry – we wrote this article to help you with such problems!
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I feel like my puppy doesn’t like me as much
First, you should know, as a pet owner, that each puppy is different and it doesn’t always necessarily mean that they don’t like you. Perhaps their personality just doesn’t match your preferences so you don’t see it as them obeying you.
Sometimes, your puppy not liking you is due to certain factors, such as:
See also:
- routine changes
- something bad that you did to them
- lack of time spent with them
- routine becoming boring
8 Signs your dog doesn’t like you
To help you know if your puppy or dog may not like you at all (and you can send them to a shelter for adoption or give them to someone else), here are some signs to watch for:
1. Your dog isn’t making eye contact with you
This is a common sign of your puppy or dog not caring about you. If they aren’t making eye contact and seem to ignore you a lot often, there’s a chance that their personality isn’t matched with yours.
2. Your dog often hides from you
If you are calling your dog or puppy and they are often found underneath a chair or table, chances are, they might not like you that much. Perhaps it was something you said to them that made them not like you or become afraid of you. They might even tuck their tail or tremble in fear.
3. Your dog might stare at you for too long
This might be opposed to the “keeping no eye contact” sign we mentioned above, but this is a sign that your dog doesn’t trust you at all. They might feel uneasy with you around so they keep an eye out for you instead. This might also be associated with fear and if they see you approach, they might hide (as mentioned earlier).
4. Your dog might leave the room and avoid you entirely
If you suspect that your dog leaves the room or space every time you go there, it might be avoiding you and might not like your presence. Dogs usually flee instead of being aggressive if they see someone they don’t like.
5. Your dog doesn’t take your food or treats
Constant refusal of food or treats from your dog or puppy is a sign that they aren’t very good with your personality. Keep an eye out for white areas of their eyes being easily seen when they refuse the dog treat as this is a sign of distrust.
6. Check for Goosebumps on your dog
Both dogs/puppies and cats/kittens raise their hair involuntarily when they get scared. If you spot your dog or puppy’s hair raise when they see you, it is a sign that they are scared of you being nearby.
Hair-raising antics are common not only when the dog is scared but also when they feel threatened, angry, or simply alert.
7. Your dog displays nervous behavior
Dogs and/or puppies tend to yawn a lot or lick their lips when they feel distressed. It’s like a fidgeting mechanism that humans do, which means they’re either bored or stressed when they are near you.
8. Some dogs will get aggressive with you
They might growl or bite if they simply don’t like you. This is a case-to-case basis because not all dogs have aggressive personalities and most of them just shy away.
Do keep in mind that dogs and puppies become aggressive only when they feel that their security and comfort are compromised. It is their self-defense mechanism.
Does your puppy not like you?
Routine change is a major reason why your dog might not like you but is it usually caused by something you did to them that they didn’t find comfortable. For instance, you might have disciplined them with force, which led them to be fearful of your presence.
With that said, you should talk to your breeder or vet to tell if your puppy’s personality simply doesn’t connect with yours. Sometimes, it’s just because of your personality difference.
What should you do? How to make your puppy like you
Don’t worry if your puppy doesn’t like you – there are a couple of ways to work on this, such as the following:
1. Establish trust in your puppy
One important aspect of keeping a pet is to maintain trust. If your pup doesn’t trust you enough, they might watch your every move and become very wary of your presence so they might avoid you.
2. Become mindful of your actions
Was it something you said to them? Puppies are sensitive to yelling so make sure to watch your words and actions. Always give your dog a calm treatment and don’t yell at them if they did something wrong.
Dogs and puppies might become fearful if you use force to discipline them. Discipline is important but it is also a double-edged sword. Remember to respect their feelings and their boundaries.
3. Spend a lot of time with them
Perhaps one reason your puppy isn’t responding to you well is that you aren’t spending a lot of time with them. Perhaps you could improve your bonding time to reduce boredom and anxiety on your pup.
When will my puppy love me?
Not all puppies and dogs are equal as they are individuals with personalities. It depends on the situation on how long you need to bond with them to make them like you back. Usually, bonding time for a pup will take 1 to 2 months but some will be easy to get along with.
Puppies that were socialized easily are typically better to get along with because of their outgoing nature. Some puppies are from different breeds and that will affect their ability to mingle along with new pet owners as not all breeds have the same temperament.
Tips for Bonding with Your Dog
Bonding with your dog is not as complicated as you think. After all, keeping a pet requires a lot of time and patience so that your pup will grow happily and healthily. To bond with your dog, you need to do some extra effort, such as:
- Playing together or jogging
- Brushing and/or grooming
- Hand-feeding them instead of using an automatic feeder
- Have your puppy cuddle with you
- Establish a daily routine
- Change your routine gradually to avoid shock